Source code for datawork.api.graph

"""Node class and associated graph traversal functionality."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import networkx as nx

[docs]class Node(ABC): """Abstract node class."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def parents(self): """Return list of parent 'None' objects upon which this object depends.""" pass
[docs] def ancestors(self): """ Return ancestry tree of node. This method works by recursively calling itself on all parents of each Node, which themselves are assumed to be Nodes. Returns ======= anc: list list of (object, ancestor tree) pairs. """ return [(p, p.ancestors()) for p in self.parents()]
[docs]def node_label(obj): """Compute a node label for this object.""" objname = obj.__class__.__name__ if "name" in obj.__dict__: objname = try: label = str(objname) + "." except AttributeError: label = "" label += "." + str(id(obj)) + "." + obj.get_hash() return label
[docs]def fill_graph(g, o): """Add given node to graph and all ancestors.""" olab = node_label(o) for p in o.parents(): pg = fill_graph(p) g.add_edge(pg, olab, type="ParentOf") return olab
[docs]def compute_dag(outputs): """Compute a directed acyclic graph with the given outputs.""" g = nx.DiGraph() for o in outputs: fill_graph(g, o) return g
[docs]def unique_objects(l): """Given list of objects, ensure that they are all distinct python objects.""" ids = [id(li) for li in l] keptids = [] kept = [] for (i, o) in zip(ids, l): if i in keptids: continue keptids.append(i) kept.append(o) return kept
[docs]def extract_tools(g): """Given a graph, pull out all configurable Tools.""" from .tool import Tool return unique_objects( [d["object"] for _, d in g.nodes(data=True) if isinstance(d["object"], Tool)] )
[docs]def extract_config(g): """Extract dictionary with all configuration options found in graph.""" import copy c = {} for t in extract_tools(g): label = t.__class__.__name__ if label in c.keys(): label = node_label(t) c[label] = copy.deepcopy(t.OPTIONS) return c
[docs]def extract_inputs(g): """Extract Data nodes that have no "Provides" in-neighbors.""" from .data import Data inputs = [] for l, d in g.nodes(data=True): if isinstance(d["type"], Data): o = d["object"] if o.provider is None: inputs.append(l, o) return inputs
[docs]def visualize(g, filename, outputs): """Draw computation DAG using graphviz.""" a = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(g) for n in a.nodes(): if n.attr["type"] == "Tool": n.attr["shape"] = "box" n.attr["style"] = "filled" n.attr["color"] = "#CCDDFF" elif n.attr["type"] == "Data": n.attr["shape"] = "oval" n.attr["style"] = "filled" n.attr["color"] = "#CCFFDD" # TODO: Check if this is an input or output and color accordingly for e in a.edges(): if e.attr["type"] == "Provides": e.attr["color"] == "green" elif e.attr["type"] == "InputTo": e.attr["color"] == "magenta" a.layout(prog="dot") a.draw(filename)